Nature Happenings in September

  • Hummingbird activity is strong. Most adult males have headed south, but females and juveniles are the last to leave. Keep your hummingbird feeder out all month until you have not seen a bird for two weeks.
  • In late September, begin watching for fall migrants like Dark-eyed Juncos and White-crowned Sparrows.
  • Keep an eye on your bath and yard for southward migrating tanagers and buntings.
  • Activity at feeders decreases.
  • Last orioles, grosbeaks and tanagers are gone.
  • Fall warblers start passing through in numbers.
  • Watch for fire-flight birds in coastal areas if fires are burning inland.
  • Shorebird migration is underway; large concentrations of birds can arrive in the morning and be gone at night if weather is favorable.